What is Dermarolling? How to use, top tips and benefits!

 Last year (against our will) many of us learned to live without our favourite beauty tech. Months away from our hairdressers and aestheticians may have been painful, but it also opened up opportunity to become a DIY queen. One of the must-have at home treatments you may have heard of is Dermarolling. We tried it and we're obsessed! 

At first look, this pointy little object might be both confusing and intimidating, but with a little know-how we think you'll be peachy keen!

⬇️ Watch & learn as Laura walks you through everything you need to know about DIY dermarolling! ⬇️

Benefits of Using a Derma Roller

- Increases firmness + skin elasticity
- Promotes collagen
- Helps improve skin tone
- Reduced acne and fine lines