If you’re not already familiar with the term “Momager”, that’s fine you’re just clearly not a KUWTK fan like some of us in the Le Beauty HQ (KUWTK = Keeping Up With The Kardashians. We aren’t judging you, so please don’t judge us).
“Momager” is the title given to Kris Jenner who managers all 6 of her kids' careers. Perhaps you’re familiar with the saying “the Devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder”? Kris Jenner is the ultimate baddie mum who is believed to engineer the most perfectly timed PR of Kardashian announcements, especially when a scandal close to the family erupts, and she does a brilliant job at protecting her family and keeping up their reputation.
Okay so enough with the Kardashian history lesson, this Mother’s Day we wanted to share with you our very own “momagers” at Le Beauty who, like Kris, are all amazingly talented women that are killing it in their roles, as well as superhero mums that make us look bad!
We sat down with 3 of our gorg office mums (and their adorably cute kids), where they spilled all the tea on the best motherhood advice that was passed onto them, challenges that come with being a working mum and… I’d tell you more but you should just watch the video above and meet the kiddies too!
Q. The most rewarding thing about being a mum?
Anh: "The most rewarding thing about being a mum is getting front row seats to the Avery show. She makes the mundane, everyday things really fun and exciting, and I just soak it all up."
Q. What’s your lifesaver beauty product that has made your life a little easier?
Anh: "The Mirenesse Velvet Maxi Sculpt Collagen Gel, I use it very single day and it just freshens my face up even when I've had no sleep!"
Q. The best motherhood advice passed onto you?
Emma: "There’s actually 2 things. 1: to stay calm. Always stay calm around your kids because then they will mirror that, and so even if they’re having a tantrum or going crazy, keeping calm is a lot easier to get them to calm down also, and it de-escalates rather than escalates the situation. 2: something my grandma told me which is to always smile at your baby because if you smile, they’ll be a smiley baby back."
Q: What’s your lifesaver beauty product that has made your life a little easier?
Emma: "My lifesaver beauty product being a mum is the Antipodes Kiwi Seed Oil Lip Conditioner. My lips have always been so dry and being a mum makes it even worse because you’re running around and you often forget to keep hydrated! It’s just the most amazing lip conditioner, I’ve tried so many and this one is really good. It’s not oily, it’s the best."
Q. The most rewarding thing about being a mum?
Rachael: "Being the centre of my child’s universe. So for so long you have this physical connection with your child, you grow them and then you birth them, and then you breastfeed them. Even after that physical connection ends you still have that emotional connection. And the way that they look at you or the way that they hug you, it’s just the most humbling experience to know that you are their entire world, and you are their reason for survival. It’s just this love that I don’t even know how to put into words."
Q. The best motherhood advice passed onto you?
Rachael: "The best motherhood advice passed onto me was actually passed onto me from my sister, which was passed onto her from another mum; and it was an expression that goes “This too shall pass.” It’s something that’s a really great reminder that in those really challenging times, whether it’s bubs being sick, or you’ve just gone so long without having a good night’s sleep, where it just feels like this is never going to end, when’s my life every going to get back to normal? It’s just a good reminder that there’s light at the end of the tunnel and these are all just stages and phases; and this too shall pass."
Q. A challenge that comes with being a working mum?
Rachael: "The biggest challenge for me with being a working mum was the transition of putting my son into childcare. So he started childcare at 6 months of age, 3 days a week and now he absolutely loves childcare. He thrives in that environment, he’s a very sociable child, he’s very independent, he has a really great food palate, and I credit so much of this to him being at childcare. But initially, when you essentially are leaving your baby with people that you don’t know, it just goes against all of your maternal instincts. And those mornings where you drop off your child and they’re reaching for you and they’re crying, your maternal instincts just want to turn around and pick your child up and take them back home. So I had to constantly separate my emotions and my logic and ask myself “okay why are you doing this?” You’re doing this to put a roof over your child’s head. You’re doing this to help them be independent. It was a constant daily battle and reminder for myself, and now I can certainly see the benefit of it but at the time it was a real struggle."
How cuuuute is Jazzy, trying to drink the Nutra Organics Choc Whiz with the lid still on!
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