DIY: How to Tint Your Eyebrows at Home!

Brows looking a bit worse for wear during lockdown? Turns out brow tinting is totally doable at home! Let our Education Manager Anh walk you through a step-by-step brow tinting tutorial using our best-selling  Refectocil brow tints!


For maximum at-home convenience, we've put together two complete DIY eyebrow tinting kits to get you started! One kit contains liquid developer and the other contains a cream developer. We suggest opting for a cream developer if you are brand new to tinting, as it offers easy mixing and creates a thicker consistency for application. 


Liquid Developer Tinting Kit

Cream Developer Tinting Kit 




Please note: Do an allergy test (patch test) before the first application, as well as after long periods without tinting.

Step 1 - Preparation

  • Clean the brow area using an oil-free make-up remover
  • Brush and shape the brow using a brow pencil

Step 2 - Mix & Apply

In the IGTV Anh created Deep Dark Brown = mix 1/4 Black 1 + 3/4 Brown 3

Step 3 - Application

  • Apply the tint to the lower arch and brush upwards then outwards toward the tail of the brow. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.

Note: work in sections at a time; starting from tail to middle section then blend into the inner section. Use a clean cotton tip to clean and shape the brows immediately to avoid staining of the skin outside of the shape.

Step 4 - Removal

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