Thinning Hair in Men: Tips to Help Treat and Hide Hair Loss

Thinning Hair in Men: Tips to Help Treat and Hide Hair Loss

What causes thinning hair/hair loss in men?

As lame as it is, no man is immune to hair loss. A cocktail of causes can come into play. Yes genetics matter, but heaps of lifestyle factors can also and affect if and how a man loses his hair.

Top Tips

              • Identify the type of hair loss you’re experiencing
              • Check in with your GP
              • Assess your diet, stress & lifestyle
              • Use products designed to manage thinning hair

What is hair loss?

While it might sound obvious, there are two distinct types of hair loss in men: male pattern baldness and overall thinning hair.

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition, whereas hair loss or overall thinning may be preventable or treatable. Male pattern baldness usually begins at the temples or crown of the head. Some men experience a single bald spot or a receding hairline forming an “M” shape. The second type of hair loss (overall thinning of the hair) is more likely to be related to lifestyle factors (more on this later!) 

What causes male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) occurs when, due to genetic factors, men become more sensitive to androgens. While male sex hormones are always present, those who are predisposed to baldness end up with a scalp that becomes overly sensitive to these hormones over time. Sometimes this manifests as a widow’s peak, other times it’s at the back of the head or right plop in the center. Not fun, we know.

What causes sudden hair loss/hair thinning in men?

Unlike male pattern baldness, hair loss, or thinning that happens all of a sudden is likely related to a lifestyle factor. During times of extreme stress, whether emotional or physical, men may experience sudden hair loss. If your hair begins to fall out in clumps you should certainly go to your GP. They may be able to help you identify what’s causing this change.

Shampoo & Conditioner for Thinning Hair



If you’re experiencing hair thinning, the last thing you need is heavy shampoo and conditioner to weigh down your stressed-out strands. Shampoos and conditioners made for thicker textured hair may be way too weighty for thinner strands. The Serioxyl shampoo and Serioxyl conditioner are designed to clean your hair without adding extra bulk or aggravating sensitive scalps.

Can thinning hair be regrown?

It depends on the cause of hair loss. If a hair follicle is closed for a while it won’t be able to regenerate or grow new hair. However, if a follicle still exists but is damaged, it may lead to gradual hair thinning. At this stage, it may be possible that an intervention can improve the health of the follicle and therefore help slow remedy thinning hair. 

How do you stop hair from thinning?

Dietary & Lifestyle Changes

Make sure you’re eating enough Zinc and Iron. Both of these minerals are essential in healthy hair growth. Keep in mind, like many minerals, you can also get too much, so keep this in mind if you choose to use supplements! If you think you may be low in iron or zinc, schedule a blood test to find out where you stand. Dietary sources of zinc you can add to your diet include legumes, shellfish, seeds, dairy, eggs, whole grains, and certain vegetables like mushrooms and potatoes. To level up your iron intake incorporate beans, lentils, tofu, dark leafy greens, cashews, almonds, and whole grains.

Check with your dietitian Melbourne.

Oral Medication

This subject is best left to your GP. If you’re experiencing significant hair loss and considering medication, you’re best to have a chat with your healthcare provider and get the low down on whether or not prescription medication would be appropriate for you & your hair woes. Supplements Unless you don’t use the internet, you’ve likely seen ads for hair supplements. Common supplements for hair loss include biotin, Vitamins A and C, Zinc, and Selenium. Do your research and chat with your GP or naturopathic doctor to assure that any supplements you choose to take are properly balanced and appropriate for your needs.


The most common type of hair injections is PRP (platelet-rich plasma) hair restoration treatments. Yes, it’s just as science-y as it sounds. Hair loss clinics inject the treatment into the scalp to promote hair growth in damaged follicles. Some say this treatment delivers very effective results, however, the price is steep. Get in touch with your local dermatologist or hair loss clinic if this option appeals to you.

How can I cover up thin hair/bald spots?

Coloured Hair Spray

A quick fix for a boost of confidence, L’Oreal Professionnel's coloured hair spray can help hide bald spots or thin hair patches. We recommend this product for those experiencing temporary hair thinning caused by stress.

What are the best products for men with thinning hair?

Hair Thickening Serum



The denser hair serum by L'Oreal Serioxyl is our top-selling hair thickening product. This daily leave-in treatment stimulates hair growth by awakening dormant follicles. The Serioxyl range also includes a thicker hair serum for fine hair. This product is also made for daily use and works to strengthen and plump thin hair. Using a Pro Keratine formula, this serum strengthens and smooths hair for a fuller finish!